
Expectations for pupils and parents 

We place a high priority and have high expectations for all students with regard to attendance and punctuality; a positive attendance will promote students' opportunities for success both in and outside of the classroom, enabling them to achieve their full potential and develop lifelong skills. 

Parents are expected to:  

  • Make sure their child attends every day on time  

  • Notify the school using Studybugs to report their child’s absence before 8.30am on the day of the absence (and each subsequent day of absence), and advise when they are expected to return  

  • Provide the school with more than 1 emergency contact number for their child  

  • Ensure that, where possible, appointments for their child are made outside of the school day  

  • Keep to any attendance contracts that they make with the school and/or local authority  

  • Seek support, where necessary, for maintaining good attendance, by contacting the Attendance Manager, who can be contacted via or 01926 428416.  

Pupils are expected to:  

  • Attend every timetabled session, on time   

Contact details for attendance leads 

Senior Attendance Champion - Mr Alton (

Attendance Manager - Mrs Stacey (

Attendance Officer - Miss Cuckson (

Notifying the school of an absence 

Please use our studybug app to inform us of any absence, we would ask that this is updated by 8.30am of the day of absence.  If you are having problems please contact the school absence line on 01926 462929.  

In the event that we have not heard from a parent/carer, we will make contact via text or phone call as soon as possible.  A home visit might also be conducted to ensure welfare and offer support. 

Recording attendance and absence 

We will keep an electronic attendance register and place all pupils onto this register.  

We will take our attendance register at the start of the first session of each school day and once during the second session. It will mark, using the appropriate national attendance and absence codes from the School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024, whether every pupil is:  

  • Present  

  • Attending an approved off-site educational activity  

  • Absent  

  • Unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances  

We will keep every entry on the attendance register for 6 years after the date on which the entry was made.  

The school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm.  

Pupils must arrive in school by 8.45am on each school day.  

The register for the first session will be taken at 8.55am and will be kept open until 9.25am. The register for the second session will be taken at 12.35pm and will be kept open until 1.05pm  

Following up unexplained absence  

Where any pupil we expect to attend school does not attend, or stops attending, without reason, the school will:  

  • Call the pupil’s parent on the morning of the first day of unexplained absence to ascertain the reason. If the school cannot reach any of the pupil’s emergency contacts, the school may make a home visit and contact Children’s Services and/or the police if we have reason to believe that the child may be at risk of harm  

  • Identify whether the absence is approved or not  

  • Identify the correct attendance code to use and input it as soon as the reason for absence is ascertained – this will be no later than 5 working days after the session(s) for which the pupil was absent   

  • Call the parent on each day that the absence continues without explanation, to make sure proper safeguarding action is taken where necessary. If absence continues, the school will consider involving the MAC Education Welfare Officer. 

Approval for term-time absence   

The headteacher will allow pupils to be absent from the school site for certain educational activities, or to attend other schools or settings.   

The headteacher will only grant a leave of absence to a pupil during term time if the request meets the specific circumstances set out in the 2024 school attendance regulations. These circumstances are:  

  • Taking part in a regulated performance, or regulated employment abroad  

  • Attending an interview  

  • Study leave  

  • A temporary, time-limited part-time timetable  

  • Exceptional circumstances  

A leave of absence is granted at the headteacher’s discretion, including the length of time the pupil is authorised to be absent for.  

Exceptional circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis  

How good attendance is rewarded 

Trinity Catholic School will reward both high levels of attendance and improvement in attendance during end of term celebration assemblies. Each pupil who has 100% attendance for that term or who has made an improvement in their attendance during that term will receive a certificate and a prize 

How we use attendance data to improve attendance 

The attendance of every pupil is reviewed on a daily basis. Where a pupils attendance is a cause for concern, we will  

1. Notify the parent of the concern formally 

2. Meet with parents to discuss the concerns, identify in school and out of school barriers 

3. Develop a plan to remove these barriers 

If a pupils attendance does not significantly improve following this Trinity Catholic School will 

4. Implement an Attendance Contract between the parents and the school 

If a pupils attendance continues to show no improvement, Trinity Catholic School will 

5. Notify Warwickshire Attendance Service of the concerns and provide details of the steps taken to improve the pupils attendance 

6. Discuss the requirement for a Penalty Notice