16-19 Bursary Fund

We are happy to confirm that the 16-19 Bursary Scheme for the academic year September 2024 to August 2025 is now open and accepting applications.


The 16-19 Bursary Award is available to students who qualify for additional financial support during the period of their Sixth Form studies. To be eligible to receive a bursary you must be aged under 19 on the 31st August in the academic year in which you start your programme of study and meet the residency criteria for post-16 provision. If you turn 19 during your programme of study, you can continue to be supported to the end of the academic year in which you turn 19, or to the end of the programme of study, whichever is sooner. 


There are two different bursaries: The Vulnerable Student Bursary and the Discretionary Bursary


Vulnerable Student Bursary:

A bursary of up to £1,200 may be available to students who meet both the age and residency criteria and at least one of the other conditions listed below. Please note that students aged 19 or over are not eligible for bursaries for vulnerable groups.  

To qualify for the Vulnerable Student Bursary the student must:

  • Be in or have recently left local authority care.
  • Be in receipt of Income support or Universal Credit because you are financially supporting yourself; or financially supporting yourself and someone who is dependent on you and living with you such as a child or partner. 
  • Receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in your own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in your own right.


Discretionary Bursary:

This Bursary is at the schools’ discretion and is given to students who face financial barriers to participation in education. The discretionary bursary is intended to cover costs relating specifically to the academic progress of the student, for example costs of transport, materials, books, and/or equipment.   Allocations are made on an individual basis and could vary according to individual circumstances and the number of hours of a student’s study programme.  Please note that this is a limited fund, so we encourage you to apply early to avoid disappointment. 


If you believe that you are entitled to one of the Vulnerable Student Bursaries or if you would like to be considered for a Discretionary Bursary, please complete the relevant online bursary application form together with documentary evidence in support of your application.  Please note that applications are only accepted from a school email account.  Any applications using a personal email address will be automatically deleted and not considered.

It is possible to apply for the Discretionary Bursary if your application for the Vulnerable Student Bursary is unsuccessful.  It is essential that evidence is provided to support an application for either of the bursaries. As the Discretionary Bursary is based on annual household income it is important that all documents requested as part of the application are uploaded.  If you have any concerns or queries relating to the application process, please email bursary@magnificat.org.uk and someone from the school office will be in contact.



If your application is successful, payments will be made on the following dates and in accordance with the conditions listed below the payment dates:

Thursday                 3 April 2025

                              15 May 2025

                              10 July 2025


If these payment dates cause you any financial hardship, please let us know so that we can support you.


Payments of the bursary are conditional on students meeting the following conditions in relation to their standards of attendance and behaviour: 

Students are expected to have 95% attendance or more (subject to the discretion of the Headteacher) including registration, good behaviour and demonstrate a good work ethic.   Unauthorised absences will affect payment of the bursary. The only exceptions to this rule include the following:  

  • Medical Procedure or Illness supported by Doctor’s Certificate, hospital documentation, e.g. hospital letter or hospital appointment.  
  • University Interview (if an authorised absence request has been received).  
  • University Open Day (if an authorised absence request has been received).  
  • School Trip/Excursion.  
  • Official School Closure i.e., snow day.  
  • Official School Study Leave.  
  • Practical Driving Test.  
  • Orthodontist Appointment.  


Students will be expected to provide/upload receipts for purchases so that payments can be made. 

All students are required to sign a declaration confirming that they agree to these conditions.

Students who fail to meet these conditions may have their payment withheld, but we will always take students’ individual circumstances into consideration. This includes considering the impact on attendance that might be caused by illness, caring responsibilities, or other exceptional circumstances. 

We may stop payments where students have been absent for a period of 4 continuous weeks or more (excluding holidays) and where students have decided to withdraw from a study programme.

We reserve the right to recover bursary funds from students where it is not spent for the reasons it was awarded.

Please have your applications completed by 23 September 2024 so that you qualify for the first payment date.  If this is missed the next payment date will be in October, 2024.