Exams and Results


The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have announced that there will be additional contingency days for this summer’s GCSE examinations. The contingency day is in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams in the UK. Following the Covid-19 pandemic further resilience was needed within the exam timetables. A single contingency day was not felt to be sufficient if a national event or incident had a significant effect on the exam timetable.

For the June 2025 exams the awarding bodies have therefore introduced an additional half-day contingency session. This is on the afternoon of Thursday 11th June 2025. The standard contingency day remains at the end of the timetable being scheduled on Wednesday 25th June 2025.

Please ensure that your child is available on this extra half day session, and also up to and including Wednesday 25th June. If an individual student misses a timetabled examination, it cannot then be sat on any of these contingency dates. They are solely for the purpose of a national event or significant local disruption affecting the whole cohort. You are advised not to book a holiday until after these dates, as being on holiday is not an acceptable reason to miss a GCSE exam.

The Exam Boards currently being used within the school are AQA, OCR, Pearson and WJEC.

The GCSE results day is Thursday 21st August 2025. Students will receive a letter nearer the time with further information.

If you are unable to attend on this day, and you can arrange for another person to collect your results on your behalf. You must send a letter of authorisation to the Examinations officer (this will be provided by the Examinations Officer before the end of July), authorising them to collect your results, and photo ID for themselves. Results will not be handed over without both of these requirements being met.

Results are not given out over the phone. Results can be sent via email to the student’s personal email with written permission sent before the end of July.  Results will not be issued to parents via email without the written permission from the student. Results can be sent in the post to students, if a self-stamped and addressed envelope is provided to the Examinations Officer before the end of July.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team and other members of staff may be available on this date for any advice concerning the results.

After receiving your results, if you think there has been an error with the marking of your exam, or if you are unhappy with your results, you can request one of the post-results services. These are either a clerical re-check or a review of marking. You are also able to request a copy of your examination papers to help decide on whether to request a review – this is the Access to Scripts service (ATS).

The fees for post-results services for 2025 will be available on results day. These vary by exam board and service requested. Student permission and payment is required before the enquiry can be carried out.

Your GCSE certificates, which are proof from the individual exam boards of the grades you achieved (different to the statement of results received on results day), will be available for collection from school from early December 2025. An email will be sent out when the certificates are ready for collection.

Certificates will be kept in secure storage in school for 2 years.  After this time, they will be confidentially and securely destroyed. After this date, you will need to contact the Exam Boards directly to receive a copy of your certificates (this may result in extra charges from the exam boards).

Students will not be contacted to remind them to collect their certificates.


Please contact our Examinations Officer, Mrs Huseey (jhussey@tcs.magnificat.org.uk) if you have any further questions.

Access Arrangements Policy

Access to Scripts, Reviews of Results and Appeals ProceduresCandidate Identification Procedure 

Complaints Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Emergency Evacuation Policy (Exams)

Escalation Process

Exam Contingency Plan

Internal Appeals Procedure (Reviews of Results and Appeals)

Internal Appeals Procedure

Malpractice Policy (Exams)

Non-examination Assessment Policy

Special Consideration Plicy

Word Processor Policy (Exams)