What do I need to know?

A quick guide to help you as parents.

Admission Questions

Apply for free schools - Warwickshire Apply for a Secondary School Place In-Year transfer for my child

Our Admissions Policies

You can contact our Transition Team at any point if you have any questions - via email  tcs-office@tcs.magnificat.org.uk.



General School Day Questions

School Opening Hours

School is open from 8:30am - 3:15pm Monday to Friday.

After School Clubs will finish at 4:30pm prompt unless advised differently.  There is no supervision after this time.


Timetables are available on the My Child at School App, which can be downloaded HERE.

You can find a full school day schedule HERE.

School Uniform

Please see our School Uniform page which explains what you need and where to purchase from.

Lost Property

General lost property will be found at Student Services.


Any student feeling ill during a school day should talk to their class teacher, they will then be assessed by first aid trained staff member. If the student needs to be sent home, the first aider will contact parents/carers. Students must not call home themselves to ask to be collected. If a student is ill before school please inform us of the absence via studybugs.

My Child At School, (MCAS)

This is an online portal for parents that enables you to view your child's performance at school in real-time via the web. As well as performance data, you can view details of attendance , behaviour, your child's school report plus the portal provides general information about school, such as the school calendar and any announcements. For a reminder of your username and password, email tcs-office@tcs.magnificat.org.uk.


ParentPay is an online payment service which allows you to pay for school items quickly and easily on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can download a free app from the Apple Store or from the Google Play Store or log in via their website.

School Catering

We operate a cashless catering system.  Please ensure that your child has sufficient funds so they can access our catering services during break and lunch times, if they wish to do so.

Contact Details

Please ensure the details we hold on file are up to date and accurate in respect of parent/carer address, emergency contacts, email address and all contact phone numbers. This is very important and will ensure staff are able to contact you should the need arise and for teaching/pastoral staff to contact home with praise or to raise a concern.


Attendance Questions

What do I do if my child is sick and can't come to school? 

Please use our Studybugs app, which can be downloaded HERE.

When does school start in the mornings? The first lesson starts promptly at 8:50 and students are expected to be in school before 8:45. 


Bus Timetables