Mental Health and Wellbeing

Staff contacts and Support in School:

Please also refer to our Waves of Support, along with the information provide on this site.

Waves of Support:

Wave 1 – Signposting and Workbooks for Self-help

Wave 2 – Group Intervention with Miss Crossman or Mrs Stacey, if Wave 1 hasn’t worked or is not suitable.

Wave 3 – 1:1 Therapy Sessions with Miss Grant, if Wave 1 or 2 has not worked, or are not suitable.

Mental Health Staff Contacts

Wellbeing Information for Students and Parents/Carers

Information for Parents:

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Helping someone with anxiety and panic attacks - Mind

Supporting A Child With Anxiety | Tips & Advice | YoungMinds

How to Help Children Suffering From Depression & Anxiety | NSPCC


Self-Harm & Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Helping someone who self-harms - Mind

Preventing Child Self-Harm & Keep Them Safe | NSPCC

Low mood/Depression

Depression & Low Mood | Signs, Symptoms & Treatment | YoungMinds

Helping someone with depression - Mind

How to Help Children Suffering From Depression & Anxiety | NSPCC

Eating concerns

Helping someone with eating problems - Mind


Grief & Loss | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds

Helping someone who is experiencing grief - Mind

PTSD and Trauma

Trauma & Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Helping someone through trauma - Mind


Helping someone who is stressed - Mind

Suicidal Thoughts

Suicidal Thoughts | Suicidal Ideation Signs & Symptoms | YoungMinds

How to help someone with suicidal feelings - Mind

Emotional Regulation

Anger | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds


Self-Esteem & Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Exam Stress

Exam Time & Exam Stress | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds

School Based Anxiety

School Anxiety and Refusal | Parent Guide to Support | YoungMinds

LGBTQIA and Gender Identity

Gender Identity & Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Gender identity | NSPCC

Drug and Alcohol Concerns

Helping someone with drug and alcohol problems - Mind

Drugs & Alcohol | Mental Health | Guide For Parents | YoungMinds

Advice for parents & carers | FRANK (

Crisis / Emergency Information:

If you're feeling overwhelmed and like you can't cope, you can: Ring HOPELINEUK on 0800 068 4141 or the Samaritans on 116 123 or Text SHOUT to Shout's textline on 85258
If you feel like you may attempt suicide, or you have seriously hurt yourself, you can: Call 999 and ask for an ambulance or tell an adult you trust and ask them to call 999. Alternatively, you can present at A+E

Staff contacts and Further Support in School:

Please also refer to our Waves of Support, along with the information provide on this site.

Waves of Support:

Wave 1 – Signposting and Workbooks for Self-help

Wave 2 – Group Intervention with Miss Crossman or Mrs Stacey, if Wave 1 hasn’t worked or is not suitable.

Wave 31:1 Therapy Sessions with Miss Grant, if Wave 1 or 2 has not worked, or are not suitable.


Miss L Crossman

Senior Mental Health Lead and Wave 2 Support –

Miss C Grant

Assistant Psychologist and Wave 3 Support –

Mrs K Stacey

Wave 2 Support –

Head of Key Stage for Wave 1 support:

Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 – Miss Hanson –

Sixth Form – Mrs Stone (nee Compton) –

Peter’s Place – Mrs S Greenmont -